How to Improve Shower Pressure

How to Improve Shower Pressure

One of the more irritating occurrences of first world living is standing underneath a trickle of tepid water in the shower, when you’d rather be standing under a rainfall of muscle relaxing hot water.

If your shower seems to be struggling with water pressure, read on to find out how you can fix it.


Check Your Water Mains

Before you charge off and start ordering new shower parts, it’s a good idea to check the volume of your water main. Find the shut-off valve for your mains water supply before you do this. Locate the stop tap and ensure it’s fully open. You can do this by using pliers to turn it anti-clockwise until it can no longer turn.


Low System Pressure

If you have a problem with water pressure in other household systems as well as your shower (taps, washing machines, dishwashers), then you probably have low water pressure. This can be a common problem if you have a water heating tank that’s located in the loft. If you have this type of system and also have low water pressure, you may need a professional to come out and take a look at it.

If you have a water tank but it’s on the same floor level as your shower, you might need to invest in a low pressure shower system. This will give you a good water flow even if you have low water pressure.


Limescale and Sediment Build Up

Even if you regularly clean the outside of your shower head, mineral deposits from water can lead to limescale build up, clog up your showerhead and prevent water from flowing freely.

Remedy this by unscrewing your shower head and leaving it to soak in a bucketful of warm water and descaler overnight (be sure to use the correct quantities). Use a toothbrush to scrub out any remaining limescale, then screw the showerhead back on. The water pressure should now be markedly better.


If it’s still not great

It might be time to give the professionals a call…