10 Nov Surviving a Bathroom Refit
However exciting a bathroom refit may be, like any large scale building work it may cause some disruption in your home. When you hire Bespoke Bathrooms for your bathroom refit, you can rest assured that we will endeavour to make the process as smooth as we possibly can.
However, there will be a period of time where you will be unable to use your bathroom and this can be a stressful experience. Often we don’t realise how much we rely on such basic, everyday necessities untilthey are taken away.
We hope this handy guide will help you survive your bathroom refit with the minimum amount of stress possible.
Hot Water
You may find that your hot water is unavailable at some stage, depending on how much work needs to be done during your bathroom refit. You will need to make sure you have plenty of saucepans to fill to heat on the hob – and an extra kettle, borrowed from a friend, can come in very handy too.
Cold Water
Have some pitchers and buckets of water ready for the times when cold water is unavailable – you may want to buy some cheap bottled water for drinking.
Many of us don’t have the luxury of an extra shower room or second bathroom, so you might find that you are without means of a proper wash during your bathroom refit. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and neighbours if they would mind you using their facilities every now and then.
Obviously this isn’t always possible, and if this is the case, you’ll need to make other plans. Babies and toddlers can be bathed in sinks. Older children will generally fit nicely into a plastic garden trug you can place a towel on the bottom to make it nonslip, and place another towel on the floor underneath it. If you have a local leisure centre you could use their showers – although you’ll have to pay for the privilege!
This is the main source of panic for most people undertaking a bathroom refit – it’s hard to imagine how you will cope without a toilet! At Bespoke Bathrooms, we will always do our best to make sure you aren’t left without use of your facilities for long, but inevitably there will be a stage where you will be unable to use your toilet – and again, not everybody has a second toilet in their home!
If you have a family it may be worth scheduling your bathroom refit over the school holidays, so that you are able to spend as much time out of the house – visiting friends and family, for example – so you can have access to a toilet.
We cannot promise that your bathroom refit will be stressfree – but we can promise that we will do everything we can to reduce disruption, and that it will be worth it in the end!