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When it comes to planning your bathroom, most people automatically think bathtub or shower? Oval or round basin sink? Trash bin or wicker basket? Something that is often secondary are the overall colours of your bathroom. While white is the default colour for many, it can often be more of a hindrance than a colour people enjoy. But how do you find the right colours for your bathroom and what are a few things you should consider which will help in your decision? After many years working on bathroom installations and renovation, Bespoke Bathrooms have noticed a few things that always help our customers choose the right colours. Some of these you have probably considered already, but others you may have overlooked. Lighting: The colours you choose will of course look different under natural light and artificial light. If you have a small understairs bathroom with no natural light, those...

If you have just had a new bathroom fitted by Bespoke Bathrooms, chances are you want to keep it as fresh, clean and new looking as possible. Perhaps you have some old storage habits that need to be changed and maybe there are a few items in your bathroom that really shouldn’t be there. Whether we have fitted you with new cupboards, toilet storage solutions or marble surfaces, if you keep a few of these items out of your bathroom and in the correct storage spaces you will have a cleaner, fresher and healthier bathroom for family and guests. Of course, these are just recommendations, but they certainly help a lot of our customers who have had a new bathroom fitted. Spare Towels: Bathrooms are prone to rapid changes in temperature which can produce mildew and the growth of bacteria in your bathroom. Towels are a perfect place for this to...

The bathroom is one of the most often used rooms in any household. It is why many use Bespoke Bathrooms, to make their bathrooms as luxurious and as comfortable as possible. We also aim to make them as safe as possible for all users, adults and children alike.But bathrooms do pose an added risk for little ones, with slippery floors, hard surfaces and wall fixtures to worry about, it’s important for all of us to ensure the safety of our bathrooms. Of course, some of the most popular designs aid this. Curved surfaces, anti-slip flooring and safety locks installed by Bespoke Bathrooms can all aid in the safety of your bathroom for little ones, but what else can we all do? Invest in a step stool: For the little ones who want to brush their teeth and wash their hands and face, a step stool is a perfect way...

If you have chosen to have your bathroom remodeled or retrofitted by Bespoke Bathrooms, chances are you have sought out a beautiful design and want it to be expertly installed by our team. If that is the case, then thank you very much. But when we are finished our job, is up to you to clean and maintain your bathroom and keep it to the high standards that every new and beautiful bathroom deserves. To keep your bathroom, clean, fresh and smelling beautiful there are a few things that you should always do to maintain your bathroom to a high standard. These cleaning tips can be applied to any bathroom and not just the beautiful finishes supplied by Bespoke Bathrooms. Some of these tasks can be performed daily while others over different periods, we will let you know when. Daily tasks: Wipe down fixtures: Use wipes on surfaces, taps, shower fittings and other...

When it comes to remodelling your bathroom, it can be hard to settle on a particular style or feature that you want. It is even more difficult when you struggle to describe what you want. Perhaps you saw a feature or style in a friend’s home or magazine, but you forgot to take note of what you like. Though at Bespoke Bathrooms we are very good at what we do, we cannot help you remember. What we can do though, is take note of some of the most popular trends and styles this year. Perhaps something will spark your memory, or you will find something new that you like. These trends are popular, stylish and just what Bespoke Bathrooms want to bring to our customers across Ireland. Rounded shapes: From sinks to taps, showers and bathtubs, rounded shapes are popular. They provide a relaxing and smooth finish to most surfaces and are less...

When it comes to remodeling any room in your home, it is often the bathroom that gets left until last. After all, it is probably where we spend the minimum amount of time, but it remains one of the most important rooms in your home. As your bathroom is probably not updated nearly as much as the rest of your home, we have found five perfect opportunities to remodel your bathroom and give it the TLC it deserves! When You are Planning to Sell If you plan to sell your home, or if you are in the renovation business, then updating your bathroom before any sale is a smart move. Increase the value of your home with a modern bathroom. Kitchens and bathrooms are arguably the most thoroughly examined rooms when it comes to buying a new home. Having a fresh look will greatly increase interest in your home. When You...

Once your new guest bespoke bathroom is almost complete, you can start planning what accessories that will go into it. Bathroom accessories can make storage easier, highlight certain features of your new guest bathroom and work wonderfully for young and old. Saving you some time browsing dozens of DIY aisles, Bespoke Bathrooms has put together this list of some of the most useful accessories you can have in your guest bathroom. Now we haven’t used them all ourselves, but you can try them and let us know what you think. A Shower Curtain with Pockets: You may have opted for a free-standing bathtub or be limited on shelving space in your bathroom. An easy solution to both of these issues is the use of a shower curtain liner with pockets. Hold your soaps, razors, shampoos and anything else you need for a relaxing bath in these easy to install curtain liners. A...

As we all try to be a bit more Eco conscious, the bathroom is a place where we can make changes and save on the amount of water that we use. On average 50% of the water used in a home is used in the bathroom. So it makes sense to see what can be done to save water in this area. There are behavioral changes that we can of course make, such as not leaving the tap running while brushing our teeth. But did you know you can incorporate certain design features into your new bathroom to make your bathroom more environmentally friendly? We'll take a look at 5 of them here now: Fill Your Bath Perfectly Every Time Have you ever left the bath running to come back to it, only for it to be overfilled, too hot or too cold to get into? Draining away...

The 1992 advert for Cadburys Flake must have had a lasting effect because ever since we've associated freestanding baths as being the ultimate in luxury. Even now 30 years later Bespoke Bathrooms is installing  Freestanding Bath tubs in lots of our clients homes. Do I have enough floor space? A freestanding bath can still be placed beside a wall, so even if you are limited with space don't rule it out. You can also do clever things with storage on the vertical wall space beside the bath. If you have a larger room then you can bring the bath away from the wall and make it more of a centerpiece. Doubling up If you can see yourself sharing your bath, or perhaps you have younger children that you plan to bath together, then consider a double ended bath. These will have the taps in the middle of the bath...

If you are wondering 'How to do a Bathroom Makeover' then we have you covered here at Bespoke Bathrooms. We've been serving up bathroom makeovers for well over 10 years at this stage (learn more about our history here) The main trigger for doing a bathroom makeover is typically someone who has bought a second hand home with a tired bathroom (or two) in it and they want to bring it into the 21st century. We have come across more than our fair share of tired Avacado Bathroom suites - and take great pleasre in replacing them! The first step is to take some room measurements and then send them over to us. From this we can determine what space you have to work with and what the options are. We will be able to give you a ball park estimate. The next step is then for us to come and visit...