13 Oct Home Renovation Incentive Extended
Over the last few months Bespoke Bathrooms have been busy booking in jobs for homeowners who wanted to avail of the popular Home Renovation Incentive scheme. For those that aren’t aware of it this scheme allows homeowners to get an income tax credit for certain types of work done in their home, by registered contractors.
Anyway the long and the short of it was that most people assumed this scheme was finishing at the end of this year, hence the rush to get jobs done. We were pleased to hear that following the publication of the Government’s 2017 Budget the scheme has now been extended, for at least two more years, until the end of 2018.
This is obviously good news for us and good news for homeowners and importantly it means that there isn’t quite the rush to get work done that there might have been. Therefore if you were hoping to get us to transform your bathroom, but found us fully booked, then it might now make sense for you to book us in for the New Year.
Don’t forget that you can only avail of the HRI if you use a registered contractor, such as Bespoke Bathrooms. This will serve you well anyway as a registered contractor will need to have a track record, be tax compliant and operate their business properly and legally.
Also be aware that if you contact a bathroom installation company and they can start within a couple of days or even weeks then you should immediately be suspicious. Most credible companies are going to be booked up for a number of weeks and months in advance, and that is certainly the case for us. This gives you time to properly plan your project, get funds in place and do the job properly. Rather than rushing to get a bathroom done and getting shoddy work in return.
Full details of the home renovation incentive can be found here on our previous post