30 Jul How to Clean your Shower
Your shower is a wet and humid area that needs to be kept clean for several reasons: One, because mould and germs love to thrive in wet, hot and humid conditions; Two, because a clean shower means a shower working at optimum level; Three, because a clean shower safeguards against blockages/build up of dirt. In this article, we’ll show you how to clean the three main areas of your shower: The shower head; the shower door/curtain; and the shower drain/trap, and we’ll also tell you how often you should do this. The Shower Head A build up of limescale in your shower head can clog the holes in the shower head, leading to poor water flow/pressure and/or temperature; but cleaning your showerhead is relatively easy. All you will need is: A bowl (large enough to fit the showerhead in) White, distilled vinegar Simply unscrew the shower head from its fitting and...